In 1992 KIEM bv was founded, and this company initiates and realizes projects for sustainable product innovations, step by step from defining the targets to co-ordination and execution of the development process. The ‘core’ competence of KIEM is the translation of research into practical industrial applications in particularly in the field of sustainable development of industrial products and in the field of renewable resources such as bio plastics, natural fibre composites and wood. KIEM carried out a number of projects with: Ahrend, DAF Trucks, Ministry of Transport (Rijkswaterstaat) and Volvo Car. KIEM was responsible for the project coordination of 4 EET projects in the Netherlands: Biolicht, Sustainable water for homes, Ecovers and Stralingscomfort (project budget up to €2.5 million, 8 project partners including 3 big R&D Institutes).
The ambition of KIEM in BG4US LIFE project is to adapt and develop new material, production and product development and market innovation knowledge in the area of natural fibre reinforced polymers with the extrusion and pultrusion technologies. KIEM wants to be the market leader in design and engineering and business development of natural fibre reinforced composites made by pultrusion and pulextrusion processes. Main role in the project is the develop of the complete design of the BioGuardrail, bringing pultrusie expertise and product development of guardrail part via pultrusion using fibers and yarns in combination with biopolymers and the production thereof.