Main objective: Produce a certified biobased guardrail leading toa demonstration at a provincial road or a highway, ending up in a PAN-EU environmentally friendly alternative to the zinc galvanized guardrail
LIFE15 ENV/NL/000173
LIFE Environment & Resource Efficiency (sub-programme for Environment) is similar to the former LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance strand (but no longer covers climate change related projects). It will co-finance action grants for pilot and demonstration projects to develop, test and demonstrate policy or management approaches, best practices and solutions, including development and demonstration of innovative technologies, to environmental challenges, suitable for being replicated, transferred or mainstreamed, including with respect to the link between the environment and health, and in support of resource efficiency-related policy and legislation, including the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe; and to improve the knowledge base for the development, implementation, assessment, monitoring and evaluation
of Union environmental policy and legislation, and for the assessment and monitoring of the factors, pressures and responses that impact on the environment within and outside the Union.


In 1992 KIEM bv was founded, and this company initiates and realizes projects for sustainable
product innovations, step by step from defining the targets to co-ordination and execution of the
development process.

Millvision was founded in 2000 and is a SME company located in The Netherlands and front runner in the bio based economy and in compliance with the guidelines for sustainable business management (CSR).

Naftex GmbH is a producer and contract manufacturer of high-quality and
innovative natural
composite granules as well as various natural fibres reinforced plastic products
(i.e. WPC).
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RB Biobased Institute B.V. is a family owned company part of the Rodenburg group. Rodenburg Biopolymers (being a SME) is located in the Netherlands.
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Millvision is the coordinating firm. The projectleader of this project is Harm-Jan Thiewes

Team BG4US